Monday, December 10, 2012

Stocking Stuffers (Day 10)

Stocking stuffers are great if you are on a budget but you really would like to give something.  Below are a few items to help make your decision easier.

Stocking Stuffers For Toddlers:
1. Playdoh
2. Bathtub Crayons
3. Board Books
4. Character Kids Cup
5. Bubbles

Stocking Stuffers for Dads:
1. Wallet
2. Car Charger for Cell Phone
3. Coffee Shop Gift Car
4. Golf Balls/Tees
5. Mini Flashlight

Stuffers for Teens:
1. Earbuds
2. Cell Phone Covers
3. Funky Colored Nail Polish
4. USB Flash Drive
5. Itunes Gift Card

Stuffers for Mom:
1. Fancy Hand Soaps
2. Gourmet Coffee
3. Votive Candles
4. Manicure/Pedicure Gift Card
5. Beaded Bookmarks

Stuffers for Anybody:
1. Christmas Ornament
2. Slipper Socks
3. USB Flash Drive
4. Specialty Tea or Coffee
5. Hand and Foot Warming Packs

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