Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

I want to thank all my clients, readers, family, and friends for a wonderful 2013.  I am looking forward to creating a fantabulous 2014 with you all.  

I pray that your New Year will be greater than you plan; wishing you lots of good health, more success than you can imagine, and blessings that go beyond. 

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Holidays To All!

Get your last minute deals, wrap with creativity, and have 
a very Merry Christmas!
Denia & The Staff of From Your Inspiration

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Friday, December 20, 2013

And the Pic of the Week

This unique garden lounge featuring a green umbrae tree with pearls and crystals.

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Friday, December 13, 2013

And the Pic of the Week

This beautiful poolside baby shower dressed in pink.

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

And the Pic of the Week

Looking to be different when you walk down the aisle?  Check out these works of art......

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Your Love Note to Him..... Your Love Note to Her.....

You've been planning your big day for a while.  Your emotions have been up and down. Everything must be perfect.  While you're dotting your i's and crossing your t's why not take a moment and write a love note to your partner for your big day.  Not only will you both be amazed as you anxiously stand at either end of the aisle but the words that were just read will bring an excited joy to your heart.

Photocredit: April O'Hare Photography Pin It

Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's Here....The Official Color of 2014

Some call it simply, Purple; Pantone calls it "Radiant Orchid".  As they put it "An enchanting harmony of fuchsia, purple, and pink undertones".  

Be prepared to see it in next year's fashion line, cosmetics, and definitely interiors. Unquestionably a color for spring, Radiant Orchid has already been seen on the runways and I am sure will be seen well into the fall.  

The wedding industry is going to have a fantastic time with this color.  It's going to look great with just about any other color it's accompanied with.  The brides will love it.  It can be applied to shoes, dresses, flowers, cake colors, tablescapes, table cloths, and so much more.

However, you decide to incorporate the 2014 color of the year, "Radiant Orchid", in your home decor, in your wardrobe, or an addition to your make-up it is sure to be a winner.

Now, Let's Get Inspired!

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