Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!! (Day 31)

To all my colleagues, readers, family, and friends,
I want to say thank you for all your support and caring of me on all my projects and endeavors.  May you all have a very Happy and Prosperous 2013 and many Blessings from GOD!!  I Love You All!

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!! (Day 25)

On this glorious day I would like to say Merry Christmas to all.  I pray that everyone has 
a wonderful and joyous day.  Love & Happiness to all my readers.

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Gift Wrapping 101 (Day 24)

It's time to put on the holiday music, pour you a glass of eggnog (spiked or unspiked), and start wrapping the gifts.  We always wrapped most of our gifts on Christmas eve because it made the holiday more festive, we could always use the extra hands, and two, three, or even four heads are better than one when it comes to creativity.  Here are a few ideas to get you started but remember, when a gift is beautifully wrapped it becomes a presentation.

Now, Let's Get Inspired!

if you want to make your wrapping special, try a handmade tag:

Print your favorite photos on paper and use to wrap a gift.  I suggest a small gift to save on ink but be creative as you like:

Just because it's newspaper doesn't mean it's not pretty.  Use the recipient's favorite section to wrap a gift:

Look around your house for some fabric you haven't used or go to your local fabric store and ask about their remnants:

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Cookie Exchange (Day 22)

I was unfamiliar with a cookie exchange until I was invited to one.  I had a good time and came home with some great treats.

Your guests can make cookies or they can buy them.  Make sure to tell them to bring a dozen for each person participating.  If you can, find out what each person is bringing so you won't have duplicates.  Each person should bring an empty container for the cookies they choose.  If they are homemade, it would be nice to add a copy of the recipe.

As your guests arrive have a table already set up where they can place their goodies.  Make sure there is enough room for them to walk around and have a good view.  Have labels available for each container of cookies so everyone will know the cookie name.  As you come towards the end of your party have each guest collect a dozen cookies for their take home preference.

What else could you ask for; friends, family, and treats.  Isn't that what the holiday season is about. 

Now, Let's Get Inspired!

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Friday, December 21, 2012

The Wreath The Better (Day 21 )

Tired of the same holiday wreath you have used for past 10 years?  Let's get inventive and make your own.  I guarantee you will enjoy it more than the one you bought from the store.   Whether you use fabric, ornaments, or just plain ribbon, your family and friends will love it and so will you.

Now, Let's Get Inspired!



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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Wedding Decor (Day 20)

Christmas wedding decor can be tricky but it CAN be done.  Make sure you place your colors carefully; you don't want your church or reception venue to look like a Christmas play.  If you are getting married in a church, incorporate some of the Christmas decorations that are already being displayed. 

The thing to remember is, it's your wedding and you only get one chance to make it right.

Now, Let's Get Inspired!




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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Wedding Food (Day 19)

Getting married during the holidays and now its time to choose your food.  It's the holidays and you want the guests at your wedding to feel as if they are celebrating Christmas in your home.  Speak with your venue caterer about your menu and discuss some of the foods that you would have for Christmas dinner.  Maybe you would want to serve roasted chicken or duck.  Think about broccoli, carrots, or mash potatoes as part of the sides.

Think Christmas when you do your bar selection.  Try peppermint martinis and for those that don't do alcohol, what about hot chocolate.

Ask the baker to make your cake to resemble Christmas gift packages.  Also add some Christmas cookies with the cake for a little special something.

Now, Let's Get Inspired! Pin It

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Wedding Colors (Day 18)

I know you ladies thought I was going to leave you out of my 31 days of holiday ideas, tips, and parties.  Not a chance.  I love my brides and would never leave them out.

If you are thinking of having your wedding during the Christmas holiday the first thing you focus on are your colors.  The traditional colors of red and green may seem perfect but be very careful not to make your wedding look like a preschool project.  Try using colors like white, blue, silver or gold.  You can use the red and/or green as accent colors with lots of greenery.  Oh, and don't forget the Christmas lights.

Now, Let's Get Inspired!


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Monday, December 17, 2012

Toy Swap Party (Day 17)

How many toys do you pick up in a day?  How many toys have you purchased throughout the year for your child, not including Christmas?  With all those toys how many do your children actually play with?  How many of your friends and family members have these same toy issues?  I have the answer to your problems.  A toy swap party.

Establish rules such as toys must be clean and in good working condition.  If you like, you can ask that they only bring a certain number of toys and they should take home the same number of toys that they bring.  Let everyone know what you are planning.  Make sure they know the rules and to let you know if they would like to participate.  Once you have an idea of who will be attending, figure out where you will have your swap.  If you make it small enough you will be able to have it at home; this will be more intimate and less complicating.

Sort toys into different categories for easy viewing  You must predetermine a method for swapping popular toys.  If more than one mom wants the same toy put the names in a hat and draw one.  After the toys have been swapped and you still have some left over, box them up and donate.

Now, Let's Get Inspired!

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ornament Exchange Party (Day 16)

I always think that you should celebrate the holidays with a fun party that your guests will enjoy and remember.  Having a Christmas ornament exchange party allows your guests the opportunity to give as well as receive a gift.  You probably have heard of an ornament exchange party however, I am adding a twist.

Ask all your guest to bring a wrapped ornament.  If you want to set a price limit you can.  As your guests start to arrive their ornament is numbered and a random number is given to the guest.  When its time for the exchange the guest with the #1 chooses the gift that is labeled #1 and opens it immediately; the guest with the #2 can choose the ornament labeled #2 or they can steal the first ornament forcing that person to choose another ornament.  This sequence goes on until everyone has an ornament.

If you choose you can set a limit as to the number of times a gift exchanges hands or you do not have to use the number system at all.  You can have your guest just put their ornaments under the tree; when the exchange begins everyone can choose an ornament making sure not to select their own.

Now, Let's Get Inspired!

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Holiday Party Favors (Day 15)

If you're anything like me you love passing out party favors.  I spend a lot of thought and time selecting the perfect party favor that will fit my guests as well as go with the theme of my gathering.  The same should apply when giving your holiday parties.  With a theme like Christmas the choices are endless, let's take a look.
Of course your packaging must have the spirit of the holidays. 

With a theme like Christmas your choices are endless.  Consider your guests, 
your theme (in addition to Christmas), and your costs.

Don't just give an ornament, personalize it.

Hot Chocolate, Tea, or International Coffee are good ideas
to include as part of your favors.

Scented sachets for the ladies

Holiday candies & cookies are an all time favorite

Now, Let's Get Inspired!

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Using Your Leftover Christmas Ornaments (Day 14)

Finally, something to do with those leftover Christmas ornaments.  Using the extras to decorate other rooms in your house can be fun, creative, and festive.

Use some of your leftover ribbon to hang your ornaments from a chandelier, 
hang in your window, or even from your ceiling. 

Your extra ornaments will work well as your centerpiece for your 
dinner table or any table in your home.

There are many uses for your leftover ornaments.  It's the holidays, be creative.

Now, Let's Get Inspired!
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