Thursday, September 19, 2013

Addressing Your Invites

One of the most popular questions when it comes to your wedding invitations is when to send them out.  For the record, your invites should be mailed six to eight weeks prior to your wedding date.  This will give your guests adequate time to respond and for you to get an accurate head count.  

The address on your invitation should be handwritten.  Etiquette wise printed labels are inappropriate although in this techno age they coming more common usually using a calligraphy font.  Your guests' names are written in full, no nicknames or initials.  Titles are abbreviated while all other words such as Street or Boulevard are spelled out.  State names may be written in full or you can use the two letter postal code.  Invitations to parents and children is generally addressed to the parents.

Below is a list of commonly used addressing that I am sure will be helpful:

Married couples living in the same house:  Spell out the husband's first name.  
If you decide to use the husband's middle name it should be spelled out.  
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wooley or Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Wooley

Single female: If she is 18 and over it proper to use Ms. 
Ms. Clare Spank

Hyphenated Name:  A wife that uses her and her husband's last name 
should be addressed using Ms., however Mrs. is acceptable.
Mr. David Crosby and Ms. Lynn Carter-Crosby

Unmarried Couple Living Together:  Address the male first followed by the female.
Mr. Luke Davis and Ms. Mary Carter

Divorced Female Who Kept Her Married Name:  It is okay to use Ms. or Mrs. and 
spell out her first name.  Find out what she prefers.
Mrs. Blair Waltz or Ms. Blair Waltz

Same Sex Couple:  You can write either name first, if you can't decide
alphabetical always works.
Mr. Daniel Clay and Mr. Ralph Duggan

Widow:  Ask what she prefers; some widows prefer to use their own first name.
Mrs. John Dunlop or Mrs. Sarah Dunlop

Married Couple - Both Doctors:  If the wife has taken her husband's last name address
as The Doctors or Drs.  
The Doctors Kline or Drs. John and Barbara Kline

One Person Has A Title:  The person with the title should be listed first.
Doctor Linda Smith and Mr. Mark Smith

Now, Let's Get Inspired!

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